There are currently 80 different languages represented, however numerous languages have multiple translations. For example, the Portuguese translation has both Brazilian and European versions. Similarly, the Chinese translation is available in traditional and simplified Chinese.
There are also five adaptations, meaning that one of the 80 languages has been tweaked for a different region. Included in the five adaptions are American English, Spanish in two adaptations, Montenegrin (of Serbian), and Valencian (of Catalan).
There are two transliterations, which are translations in a different script. Serbian and English Braille are the two existing transliterations.
Download and print our translation checklist HERE!

Harry Potter En Die Towenaar Se Steen ISBN: 9780798140232

Harry Potter Dhe Guri Filozofal ISBN: 9789992747636

Hari Butor Wa Hajar Al-Fayasuf هاري بوتر وحجر الفيلسوف ISBN: 9789771418818

հարրի փոթթերը եւ փիլիսոփայական քարը harri pʿotʿtʿerě ew pʿilisopʿayagan kʿarě ISBN: 9789993078388

Harry Potter Y La Piedra Filosofal ISBN: 9788480535496

Harri Potter və fəlsəfə daşı ISBN: 9789952265774 Published by Qanun Publishing House

Harry Potter Eta Sorgin-Harria ISBN: 9788483317037

হ্যারি পটার এন্ড দ্য ফিলোসফার্স স্টোন Hyaari Pattaara Endda Di Philasaphaarasa Sttona ISBN: 9789844640917

Harry Potter I Kamen Mudrosti ISBN: 9789958301063

Harry Potter Ha Maen Ar Furien ISBN: 9782363120083

Хари Потър и Философският камък Chari Pot-R I Filosofskijat Kam-K ISBN: 9789544464677

Harry Potter I La Pedra Filosofal ISBN: 9788475967745

哈利·波特与魔法石 Hali Bote Yu Mofa-Shi ISBN: 9789573317241 NOTE: Special and standard edition shown.

哈利波特—神秘的魔法石 hā lì bō - tè shén mì de ISBN: 9789573317241

Harry Potter i Kamen Mudraca ISBN: 9789536450305

Harry Potter a Kámen Mudrců ISBN: 9788000011615 NOTE: Second and third edition shown.

Harry Potter Og De Vises Sten ISBN: 9788700398368

Harry Potter En De Steen Der Wijzen ISBN: 9789076174105

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone ISBN: 9780747532743

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone ISBN: 9780590353403

⠓⠜⠗⠽⠀⠏⠕⠞⠞⠻⠀⠯⠮⠀⠎⠕⠗⠉⠻⠻⠄⠎⠀⠌⠐⠕ Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone ISBN: 9780590353403

Harry Potter Ja Tarkade Kivi ISBN: 9789985311646

Harry Potter og vitramannasteinurim ISBN: 9789997201454

هری پاتر و سنگ جادو Harry Potter va Sang Jadoo ISBN: 9189952865774

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone The Filipino Edition ISBN: 9789715187398

Harry Potter Ja Viisasten Kivi ISBN: 9789513111465

Harry Potter à L'École Des Sorciers ISBN: 9782070518425

Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal ISBN: 9788532511010

ჰარი პოტერი და ფილოსოფიური ქვა hari p’ot’eri da pilosopiuri kva ISBN: 9789941232176

Harry Potter Und Der Stein Der Weisen ISBN: 9783551551672 NOTE: Standard and special edition shown.

Ἅρειος Ποτὴρ καὶ ἡ τοῦ φιλοσόφου λίθος Āreios Poter cai i toy filosofoy lithos ISBN: 9780747574477

Ο Χάρι Πότερ και η Φιλοσοφική Λίθος O Harry Potter cai i Filosopici Lithos ISBN: 9789602743485

Harry Potter Ujarallu Inuunartoq ISBN: 8755817688

હેરી પોટર અને પારસમણિ Harry Potter Ane Paarasamanni ISBN: 9788186775868

Harry Potter Ve'even Hachachamim Harry Potter Ve'even Hachachamim ISBN: 9789655110289

हैरी पॉटर और पारस पत्थर Harry Potter Aur Paras Patthar ISBN: 9788186775608

Harry Potter és a Bölcsek Köve ISBN: 9789639563438 NOTE: First (right) and later printing shown.

Harry Potter Og Viskusteinninn ISBN: 9789979865551 NOTE: First (right) and later printing shown.

Harry Potter Dan Batu Bertuah ISBN: 9789796558513

Harry Potter agus an órchloch ISBN: 9780747571667

Harry Potter E La Pietra Filosfale ISBN: 9788877827029 NOTE: First and later printing shown.

ハリー・ポッターと賢者の石 Harry Potter to Kenja no Ishi ISBN: 9784915512377

ហេរី ផោតធ័រ និង សិលាទេព heri phaothr ning selatep ISBN: UNAVAILABLE

해리 포터와 마법사의 돌 haeri poteowa mabeopssaui dol ISBN: 9788983920683

Harrius Potter Et Philosophi Lapis ISBN: 9780747561965

Harijs Poters un Filozofu Akmens ISBN: 9789934112249

Haris Poteris Ir Išminties Akmuo ISBN: 9789986029199

Harry Potter Un De Wunnersteen ISBN: 9783898820127

Den Harry Potter an Den Alchimistesteen ISBN: 9782919771189

Хари Потер и Каменот на мудроста ISBN:

ഹാരി പോട്ടര് രസ്ആയനക്കലല് Harry Potter Rasaayanakkall ISBN: 9788186775943

Harry Potter Dengan Batu Hikmat ISBN: 9789830001760

हॅरी पॉटर आणि परीस Harry Potter Aanni Parisa ISBN: 9788186775974

Харри Поттер ба Шидэт Чулуу

ह्यारी पोटर र पारसमणि

Harry Potter og de vises stein ISBN: 9788202434687

Harry Potter E La Pèira Filosofau ISBN: 9782868660695

Harry Potter i Kamień Filozoficzny ISBN: 9788372780003

Harry Potter e a Pedra Filosofal ISBN: 9788532511010

Harry Potter E a Pedra Filosofal ISBN: 9789722325332

Harry Potter şi piatra filozofală NOTE: New and original translations shown.

Гарри Поттер и философский камень Garri Potter I Filofskij Kamen ISBN: 9785353003083

Harry Potter I Kamen Mudrosti ISBN: 9788650509463

Хари Потер и Камен мудрости Hari Poter i Kamen Mudrosti ISBN: N/A

Hari Poter I Kamen Mudrosti ISBN: 9788674704561

හැරී පොටර් සහ මායා ගල Hărī Poṭar Saha Māyā Gala ISBN: 9789555734844

Harry Potter a Kameň mudrcov ISBN: 9788055143071

Harry Potter Kamen Modrosti ISBN: 9789610118381

Harry Potter Y La Piedra Filosofal ISBN: 9788498380170 NOTE: Europe and Southern Cone versions shown here.

Harry Potter Och De Vises Sten ISBN: 9789188877666

ஹாரி பாட்டரும் ரசவாதக் கல்லும் Harī Pattanum Racalātak Kalum ISBN: 9788183223744

హ్యారీ పోటర్ పరుసవేది Hyārī Pōtar Parusavēdi ISBN: 9788183224215

แฮร์รี่พอตเตอร์กับศิลาอาถรรพ์ hae-rêe pôt-dtêr gàp sì-laa aa-tăn ISBN: 9789749601761

༄༅།།ཧ་རུའེ་ཕོད་ཐར་དང་ཚེ་རྡོ།། Ha-Ruʼe Phod-Thar Daṅ Tshe Rdo ISBN: 9787223022583

Harry Potter ve Felsefe Taşı

Гаррі Поттер і філософський камінь Harri Potter I Filosofs'kyj Kamin' ISBN:

هیرى پوٹر اور پارس پتهر Harry Potter Aur Paras Pathar ISBN: 9780195798586

Harry Potter I La Pedra Filosofal ISBN: 9788481312775

Harry Potter và hòn đá phù thủy ISBN:

Harri Potter Maen Yr Athronydd ISBN: 9781582348278

Harry Potter En De Stien Fan E Wizen ISBN: 9789056151553
Thank you to Sean, the founder and author of Potterglot, for the extensive time and research he has put into Harry Potter translations. Without his research, it would have been difficult to collect them all.
For more information about translations, translation news, and a detailed list of Philosopher's/Sorcerer's Stone translations, visit www.potterglot.net.